Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Well things have been pretty quiet around here. Yesterday I took Kai to occupational therapy, or as I call it my much needed dose of comic relief. Brian pretended to flush Kai down the toilette again, only this time he didn't get hurt. Instead he lost his pants. Kai then said,"That's why my name on the Wii is moonbeam!"
Brian tried to prepare Kai for our visit to the pool in a couple of weeks. They played in the water with straws and then had a water fight. Kai looked like the swamp thing in his green grown up scrubs. I am still kicking myself for not having a camera. He looked so darn cute!
Today since it was so warm we went to the park and had a picnic. We spent about five hours outside playing. Hindsight being twenty twenty this was not a good idea. Kai was in so much pain tonight I had to give him his pain medication. I think it was the combination of therapy yesterday and playing too hard today. His little joints and muscles just can't take it. Hopefully with some rest and relaxation with his daddy tomorrow he can feel better quickly.

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