Monday, December 22, 2008

Wow time flies when you're having fun!! I can't believe it has been nearly two weeks since my last post. Kai is getting very excited for Christmas. Last Friday Santa made a special trip to his school. Kai threw a royal hissy fit because he thought Santa wouldn't still come on Christmas. Unfortunately I was at the hospital having surgery so his teacher had to deal with his wonderful behaviour. Funny thing is once she took him to her house and turned on the Wii he was just fine. My dad says that nintendo is a narcotic for Kai, silly kid.
We have had a lot of snow recently so the kids are in heaven. I just have to regulate how much time Kai spends outside otherwise he is wiped out for days. We are looking forward to our trip to Philly in two weeks. Hopefully we can leave with a better idea of what to expect with Kai.
Hope that everyone has a great Christmas!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Funny Story

Just wanted to share this story really quick. Last night my sister and her husband watched the three older kids, so Jer and I could finish Christmas shopping. Somewhere along the way water was spilled on their couch by Brady. My brother-in-law told the kids joking that this was going to come out of someones hide, and ask who's it should be. Brady pipes up and says, "Kai!" Poor Kai Kai always getting the brunt of things.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Well I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Ours was really nice. We went to Jeremy's Grandparents for dinner. Kai was so funny..Grandma Brady sat next to him and next thing we knew he was eating her cucumbers. Obviously he is not shy at all.

Unfortunately in the past few weeks Kai has continued to go downhill. He can no longer get in the tub by himself and is having a harder time negotiating stairs. I spoke to his therapist about this yesterday and he is very concerned. He said he has seen declines before but this is a sharp drop off. So he wants us to wait to bring him back until after we get home from Philadelphia. He also noticed that Kai's disease is not like other muscular dystrophy's. In most cases the muscles look really bulky, however with Kai this is not the case. His seem to be wasting as he grows. Hopefully Dr. Bonnemann can provide some needed insight into why this is happening so quickly.

On a lighter note, it is Christmas time!! Yea!! Kai is very excited for Santa to come. I love this time of year, because no matter what is going on in our lives I have something positive to focus on. I love seeing my children's faces on Christmas morning, pure joy! I hope that despite what is going on in our world everyone can recognize the blessings in their lives.