Unfortunately last Wednesday we had to cancel Kai's OT session because he was very tired, and we didn't want him to miss out on t-ball. Little did we know that lightning would strike a power poll and prevent us from making it to his game. Oh well, I still think it worked out for the best.
On the fourth Kai had a busy and fun day. He was able to play with his best buddy Ali and go to a movie with his Grandmama and Grandpapa. We then had a BBQ and did fireworks. For those who have never experienced fireworks with Kai, let me just say it is not a pleasant experience. He usually will curl into a ball and shut down mentally. He just can't handle the combination of lights and loud noise. We were prepared for a similar event this year with ear plugs. However, about half way through he took them out and decided he didn't need them. He spent the rest of the night talking and actually ENJOYING the fireworks. His dad and I were so happy. This was the best fourth we have had since he was a little baby.
Kai continued his streak of improvements today at aqua therapy. He actually voluntarily put his head all the way under water! Brian and I were completely shocked, it is usually a fight to even get him in the pool, let alone his head in the water. What was even better is his daddy was there with us today. We will have to make sure he is there more often if we are going to have results like this!!
A funny little story from therapy today..Kai had been blowing bubbles in the water and I guess he sounded like a pig. So he and Brian were talking about nostrils and Kai said, "If I were a pig they would be postrils not nostrils!" I guess he figures all of a pigs body parts start with the letter P. Funny boy!!
Below are a couple of pictures from the 4th of July..Sorry they didn't turn out real great, I was having problems with my camera settings.
Kai before he realized fireworks could be fun.
Kai after he decided to try and have some fun..notice the earplugs.
One unhappy little girl!
The difference a Popsicle can make.
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