I had a dream the other night. It came to me so clear. I stood before the throne of God,afraid to come too near. God said to me, "I hear your prayers. There are answers you can't find. I brought you here to talk to me and help to ease your mind. "I said,"Well, yes, God, I am upset...About my special one. This punishment is awfully harsh...Whatever have I done?" God looked at me and shook his head, He said, "My Dear, you've got it wrong. I sent this special child to you because you are so strong. I searched and searched to try and find someone with a love so rare. Parents so unselfish they could give him that special care. I try to save my special gifts,like those you're speaking of,for a special kind of parents I call the 'Chosen Ones. 'Of all the ones to choose from,I know I've got it done...Parents who deserve my best,an honor you have won." -Unknown
It is way to easy to develop a "Why us?" attitude and for me to bury my head in the sand. Which to tell the truth I have wanted to do lately. When I see him taking longer to recover from one day of being a kid than he used to, I get extremely overwhelmed. Some days I want to wake up and have him be "normal", and then I find something like the above poem that slaps me in the face. Jeremy and I are so blessed to have Kai be a part of our family, and we love him so much. I can't imagine what this world would be without him, and hopefully we will have to wait a very long time before we find out. We truly believe we have been given His best.