Kai has been a busy little man the past few weeks. He has had occupational & physical therapies, an aqua therapy session, preschool graduation, and just being a five year old little boy. Whew! As you can see we have not had much of an opportunity to get bored.
Unfortunately Kai's physical therapy visits continue to be less than what I would call fun. Once again I allowed him to play too hard the day before and he ended up being one cranky little boy. How do you make your five year old boy understand that if he plays like his friends today he will be miserable tomorrow? It is something we have been struggling with for a long time and are at our wits end. Hopefully as he gets older we can help him to understand cause and effect.
Occupational Therapy went really well this month. We may have finally found a way for Kai to become a little more independent in the restroom. Yea for me!! He loves Brian and has continued to make progress with his sensory issues.
We found out this week in his aqua therapy that he has a "pool problem". If you remember back to his first visit with Brian he informed us he had a "swing problem". Well I guess he has decided to add one to the list.
Kai did great at his preschool graduation and I had the sore arm to prove it. He was so cute I just couldn't put the video camera down! I was worried when he sang his solo that he would freak out, but he didn't. He sang so sweet and just melted my heart. I am so blessed to have such cute kids! Below are just a few of the many pictures that Jer took. Hope you enjoy them.
Kai singing his solo.
What a silly kid!
Kai Reading his book to everyone. So smart!
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