Sunday, February 15, 2009

"Holes in the floor of Heaven"

Yesterday Kai and I were watching a show where two people were getting married. He ask me if he was a baby when his dad and I got married. I told him no that he wasn't born yet, but that he was watching from heaven. He said,"Oh yeah, cause there are holes in heaven that I could look through." Due to his extremely sensitive nature I could not bust up laughing, but believe me I wanted to. There are days like yesterday when I don't know how I'm going to make it through, and then one of my kids does something like that. Thank goodness for my funny kids!!
Not too much has been happening. This Wednesday Kai has his first actual OT appointment. The last one was just his evaluation. Then a couple days later he has PT and that same week we register him for Kindergarten. So I should be posting more in the next couple of weeks. I actually am glad not much has been going on. Last year at this time we were on our fifth round of respiratory gunk and he ended up with pneumonia. So hopefully we can keep his healthy trend going!!

1 comment:

Anna said...

Holy Cow - Kindergarten! I can't believe it! Everyone is growing up so fast... including me!